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Founded in 1958, the Society for the Preservation and Appreciation of Antique Motor Fire Apparatus in America in an international, educational, historical, and non-profit society incorporated in the state of New York and registered with the New York Board of Regents.  The Society is dedicated to preserving, restoring, and operating the fire fighting apparatus that are part of our heritage.  SPAAMFAA has regional chapters that sponsor many musters and other activities each year.  The National Convention/Muster each summer, co-sponsored by the Society and one of its chapters, includes in addition to the muster itself, seminars and meetings on various related topics.  The Society's piblications include award-winning quarterly magazine "Enjine!~Enjine!, a second quarterly publication called "The Silver Trumpet" filled with helpful hints and restoration tips, a Membership Roster and a Source Guide.  SPAAMFAA's extensive and growing apparatus archives are avaibale for research by its members.  Fire fighting apparatus 25 years of age and older are officially recognized by theSociety.  But we accept rigs of all kinds including steam pumpers, hand pumpers, and hand drawn hose or chemical carts.  Ownership of a rig is not necessary for membership, but if you do own a rig we encourage you to list it ofr the roster.